Glamanate Game Ladder Script Documentation
gls_display($string, [$orderby])
This function will return an array of members with points, off of the table declared in the script's file. The $string value represents the game value, such as "wow" for World of Warcraft, or "sc2" for StarCraft 2. By default it orders based on points, but other values include: win, loss. Since it returns a raw array, you must use a foreach statement to extract the information. The .zip file contains sample scripts.
This function is used to return the username of a player record within the gls_display array.
This function is used to return the points of a player record within the gls_display array.
This function is used to return the wins of a player record within the gls_display array.
This function is used to return the losses of a player record within the gls_display array.
gls_report($win, $loss, $game)
This function is used to record a lost match. This function would be located on the loss report form's action page. The $win parameter is the winner's user database ID, $loss is the loser's user database ID, and again the $game parameter is based on what you choose to differentiate between games, or for the main game used.
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