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Auto discovery of global commands in Drush

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This blog post is about the auto-discovery of global Drush commands. To be honest, I have no idea what a global command is or means and how it differentiates between a site command. However, I find the global-command discovery feature fascinating and a streamlined developer experience when writing commands for your Drupal site. Note: this feature is available in Drush 10.5+ or 11.0+.

Some Drush commands can already be auto-discovered. Those are site-wide commands. Site-wide Drush commands exist in your Drupal codebase's drush/Commands directory and use the Drush\Commands namespace.

I am working on a new Drupal book and dove into a section that discussed writing Drush commands for your Drupal module. While Drush provides a command to generate Drush commands, I wanted to brush up on the manual steps and help explain the generated code. That's when I saw the section on auto-discovered commands.

Drush global commands can be auto-discovered if they meet the following conditions:

  • The command is in a class that is PSR-4 auto-loadable
  • The namespace for the command class contains Drush\Commands. So App\Drush\Commands would be a viable namespace.
  • The command class ends with DrushCommands. So the filename would be AppDrushCommands or FooDrushCommands, etc.

Personal note: I find the file naming requirement a bit redundant since we already have a specific namespace, and the class is inspected to ensure it isn't abstract, an interface, and is a subclass of Drush\Commands\DrushCommands.

This is accomplished with Robo\ClassDiscovery\RelativeNamespaceDiscovery. The relative namespace discovery class inspects the known namespaces in the class autoload. Given an expected relative namespace (Drush\Commands) and a file matching pattern (*DrushCommands.php), it will return available classes that have been discovered.

Here is a copy of the code from Drush (Application.php#L393-L407):

     * Discovers commands that are PSR4 auto-loaded.
    protected function discoverPsr4Commands(ClassLoader $classLoader): array
        $classes = (new RelativeNamespaceDiscovery($classLoader))

        return array_filter($classes, function (string $class): bool {
            $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
            return $reflectionClass->isSubclassOf(DrushCommands::class)
                && !$reflectionClass->isAbstract()
                && !$reflectionClass->isInterface()
                && !$reflectionClass->isTrait();

I found this useful as I have been trying some really hacky things with Drupal by giving myself Drupal codebase a root App namespace. My composer.json looks like this:

    "require": {
        "php": "^8.0",
        "composer/installers": "^1.9",
        "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^9.3",
        "drupal/core-project-message": "^9.3",
        "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.3",
        "drush/drush": "^11.0",
        "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.4"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app",
        "files": ["bootstrap.php"]

Given this autoload definition, I can create the directory app/Drush/Commands to hold my Drush global command files, like AppDrushCommands.php:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Drush\Commands;

use Drush\Attributes as CLI;
use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;

final class AppDrushCommands extends DrushCommands {

  #[CLI\Command(name: 'app:hello-world', aliases: ['hello-world'])]
  public function helloWorld(): void {
    $this->io()->writeln('<info>Hello world!</info>');


You may notice I am using PHP 8 attributes and named parameters to define my commands instead of annotations. That's a follow-up blog post I will be working on. PHP 8 is fantastic.

Now, when running php vendor/bin/drush, the app:hello-world command is available.

$ php vendor/bin/drush app:hello-world
Hello world!

The one thing I love about providing commands via a module is that we can provide dependency injection. As far as I am aware, there is no way to handle dependency injection. That means you will interact with Drupal using the static \Drupal class and access services via \Drupal::service

That means you should also define the bootstrap level required to run your global command. For instance, the CacheCommands provided by Drush declares its needs a full bootstrap of Drupal. The concept of Drupal bootstrapping is documented very well on the Drush project website: Drupal module commands are always run at full.

A global command with a full bootstrap to access data from Drupal would look like the following:

  #[CLI\Command(name: 'app:entity-types')]
  #[CLI\Bootstrap(level: DrupalBootLevels::FULL)]
  public function getEntityTypes(): void {
    $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
    foreach ($entity_type_manager->getDefinitions() as $definition) {
        "<info>%s</info>: %s",

If we did not specify the bootstrap level we would get the following error:

$ php vendor/bin/drush app:entity-types

In Drupal.php line 170:
  \Drupal::$container is not initialized yet. \Drupal::setContainer() must be called with a real container.  

But with the bootstrap level defined, we get a list of entity types!

$ php vendor/bin/drush app:entity-types
block: Block
block_content: Custom block
block_content_type: Custom block type
comment_type: Comment type
comment: Comment
contact_form: Contact form
contact_message: Contact message
editor: Text Editor

The one practical benefit I see is not having to create packages of the type drupal-drush so that packages get installed to a proper directory. Now your third-party Drush commands can live in the vendor directory and not drush/Commands.

I'm available for one-on-one consulting calls – click here to book a meeting with me 🗓️